Victoria has the greatest concentration of large four-manual pipe organs in Australia, many within a short walk of each other in central Melbourne.  

The Grand Organ in the Melbourne Town Hall is the largest and most valuable musical instrument in the southern hemisphere; the instrument in St Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne is one of the most famous 19th century cathedral organs in the world.

Australia's largest and busiest organ building firm was based in Melbourne for over 125 years: George Fincham & Sons.  The largest 19th century Australian-built pipe organ to survive intact, built by the Fincham firm, is found in West Melbourne.  

Melbourne is also home to the largest pipe organ in any Australasian school.

Of the hundreds of pipe organs in Victoria, there are also many large and significant instruments in provincial centres throughout Australia's most densely populated state: from Bendigo and Ballarat to Geelong, Warrnambool and Wangaratta. 

To find out more about ANZCO's work in Victoria, please email our Victorian State Manager Rowan Kidd or our Australian National Director Thomas Heywood.